I am on the planet earth around the two-thousandth year of lord as best reckoned, and I am a coding queen of strange odd mods and even more niche bots.
United States
alycecil's Following
- AliceCries
- Allow2
- automatopaste
- cash1981Gjensidige Pensjonsforsikring
- ColonolNuttyWouldn't you like to know
- compoterhackerSan Francisco, CA
- E4S-Project
- faucampSouth Africa
- FluffierThanThou
- Gibberlings3
- HeartHeroDE
- ionescu007Winsider Seminars & Solutions Inc.
- ItsmePoringKingSEA RO
- jbara2002
- jhalterman@grafana
- jmrozanecqlector
- Kadantte@Oppa-TECH
- llchrisllAustria
- maelynmulderWaukesha WI
- mikebell-orgVancouver, BC
- nguyenq
- PeterAKleiKlei Entertainment
- PsimageUkraine
- pury-fi127.0.0.1
- Revolutionary-GamesInternet
- SafeJKAMoldova
- Swamp-IgPerth, Australia
- SympatheticSalts
- ThrowawayMMO
- tombatronTampa, FL
- ValwareIRCDeveloper of @DalekIRC and @UnrealIRCd Admin Panel
- WulfMarius
- xoreaxeaxeax
- zmcmackin