
a restful api server written in Golang for html5-moving-vue

Primary LanguageGo


MOVING is a restful api server written in Golang for html5-moving-vue.


  • The REST API server is described by an OpenAPI 2.0 specification file located at server/swagger.yaml, which was generated using go-swagger.

  • The MOVING data are stored in dgraph-io/badger located at data/db.

Please note that there's a jounery log located at data/db/jounery.log which records all operations in sequence.

  • All ARTICLE and BOX image files located at data/assets and theirs metadata are aslo stored in dgraph-io/badger

  • There's a command tool generated using spf13/cobra which supports import/export data from/to an Excel file by selected item's tags, fields and properties. It's easily view/edit all Moving Items in Excel application.

  • The certs folder contains SSL certificate files that enable the server to run under the HTTPS scheme.

Because the client-side is running in SSL mode, the server must also be run in SSL mode.

Build & Run

> cd moving
> go mod tidy // run only once
> cd server/cmd
> go build -o moving-server main.go
> ./moving-server --tls-certificate=ssl/ --tls-key=ssl/ --tls-host= --tls-port=8443 --scheme=https