
Pair project with @brianaeng. Our very first Ruby on Rails application. Implements reading in data from CSV.

Primary LanguageRuby

Farmers Market Database

A Ruby on Rails web application built by Briana Eng and Alyssa Hursh. Our first Rails application, with a SQLite database seeded by CSV import. Interact with it here. (This application is deployed on Heroku, so you may need to give the site a minute to wake up the server.)

Farmar screen shots


  • Primary language: Ruby 2.3.1
  • Framework: Rails 4.7.2
  • Database: SQLite
  • Database seeding from CSV import
  • Deployed on Heroku.


  • We worked very well together, splitting up front-end and back-end work to avoid merge conflicts and maintain project velocity. We were able to break the project into micro tasks and checked in with each other frequently. Well-matched communications styles made this project especially enjoyable.
  • We created a mock login feature, redirecting to a "logged in" view from certain ingresses (we hadn't yet learned user authentication).
  • The layout and design turned out quite well (especially given that this was our second project with substantial HTML/CSS).

User Stories Implemented


  • As a user, when I visit "/", I can choose whether I want to act as a Market or a Vendor
  • As a user, I can view all Markets
  • As a user, I can view a specific Market, viewing its attributes as well as a list of its vendors


  • As a market, I can create or edit my Market
  • As a market, I can create, edit, or delete any Vendors


  • As a vendor, I can create, edit, or delete my Products
  • As a vendor, I can create a Sale for one of my Products


  • As an admin, I can add add Markets