
Mirror of All-Mangas-Reader's Gitlab repository.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

All Mangas Reader V2

What is All Mangas Reader

All Mangas Reader is a browser extension which is designed to help you read and follow mangas on a lot of manga websites.

  • Read whole chapters on manga websites
  • Follow mangas you like with your reading list
  • Be notified when new chapters are published
  • Order, classify mangas in your reading list
  • A lot of supported websites
  • Synchronization across multiple devices

Browser compatibility

Quantum Chromium
Desktop ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Mobile ✔️ ✔️

Supported websites

Click to unfold

Your favorite website not listed yet? Submit a request on discord

🔐 Privacy

All Mangas Reader creates cookies to force English on the Webtoons website, and pass an "I am adult" cookie to websites that have verifications for more explicit content. Not allowing AMR to read / create cookies will hinder or break compatibility with these websites. This option can be turned off / on at any time from the settings menu.


  • Download the latest stable version from the Mozilla add-ons explorer
  • Beta versions for firefox are available here :


⚠️ Chromium based browsers need the following additional steps in order to install All Mangas Reader.
If you are not sure your browser is based on chromium you can check our Browser compatibilty list (or google it).

Install AMR on a chromium browser

All Mangas Reader do not comply with Google Chrome Extensions terms of services, thus cannot be downloaded directly from their store.

  1. Click link below for the version you wish to use
  2. Extract the file .zip file you just downloaded to a location you wish to use for this extension, you will need to remember where this folder is in order to update the extension.
  3. Open the extensions page in your browser, enable developer mode and click Load unpacked extension.
  4. Select the folder you extracted to install AMR.

Update AMR on a chromium browser

  1. Download the lasted version of All Mangas Reader directly from within the extension when prompted
  2. Extract the file .crx file you just downloaded into your (already existing) All Mangas Reader's installation folder
  3. Restart browser

📡 Synchronization

Browser Sync

Browser sync uses your browser capabilities to synchronize your manga list:
⚠️only works with Firefox.

  • ✔️ 🖥️💻📱 (Firefox) 🖥️💻📱 (Firefox)

Enable Browser sync in All Mangas Reader under Settings (cog icon in the top-right corner) > General > Synchronization > Enable browser sync

Synchronization with Gist (3rd-party)

Gist Sync is an alernative method to synchornize your manga list using a third party service.
ℹ️ Although more difficult to setup, this synchronization method is compatible with all (chromium/firefox) browsers.

  • ✔️ 🖥️💻📱 (any browser) 🖥️💻📱 (any browser)
Enable Gist Sync
  1. If you do not have a GitHub account create one at github.com
  2. Create a Gist at gist.github.com
    1. In order to create a Gist you have to fill in a description, a file name and its content. It does not matter what the values are.
    2. Once created the URL will change to gist.github.com/<username>/<Gist ID>, copy the Gist ID from the URL.
  3. Create a Personal Access Token
    1. Go to github.com/settings/tokens and click on "Generate new token".
    2. Fill in the "Note" field with what you want, e.g. "AMR".
    3. Check the "gist" checkbox
    4. Click "Generate Token" and copy it.
      • Generate as much token as you need (1 per device)
      • Make sure you capture/copy token before regenerating new ones as they are shown only once.
  4. Enable Gist Sync in All Mangas Reader
    1. In AMR go to Settings (cog icon in the top-right corner) > General > Synchronization and check Enable Gist Sync
    2. Past corresponding informations:
      • Personal access token is the generated token.
      • Gist ID is the ID extracted from the gist URL
  5. Once all of the fields are populated, All Mangas Reader will initiate the synchronization automatically (initlization might take up to 30s).
    • Your data is stored at https://gist.github.com/<username>/<Gist ID>#file-amr-json
    • You can use Revision to see/restore past version of your synced data
  6. Enable Gist Sync in All Mangas Reader for all other devices, make sure they each have their own token and use the same Gist ID.

:informationsource: **_Browser Sync doesn't need to be enabled for Gist Sync to work.**


❗ Before contributing to the project, please read our Contribution guide.

To contribute, fork the project and work on opened issues. Once fixed, submit a pull request which owners will merge as soon as possible

You can submit issues through GitLab issues tool, please submit a test case to reproduce your issue.

⚠️ Developers working on sites implementation MUST read this

If you are not a developer, you can still contribute as a translator too, to do so, clone the repository locally and work on the messages.json file in your language as explained in this doc.

You can also work on the wiki to help us explain to everyone how All Mangas Reader works.

Developer installation

  1. First clone this repository locally and install it using yarn (if you don't have yarn, install it).
  2. Install dependencies: yarn install
  3. Build the extension (note that you will need to run this command when updating extension code) yarn run build:dev
  4. This will create the deployable extension in the dist folder.
  5. Once done, you can install the extension as a temporary extension in the main browsers (please note that browsers may delete the associated database when the extension is temporal)
    • Chromium: Go to Menu > Extensions and switch to developer mode (in the top right hand corner). Click on LOAD UNPACKED and select the dist folder of your local repository.
    • Quantum: Go to about:debugging#addons and click on Load temporal module. Select the manifest.json file from the dist
      • ⚠️ If you want to debug the extension while testing you will need web-ext. yarn global add web-ext
      • To load your browser with All Mangas Reader in debug mode, execute the following command in the dist folder of your local repository : web-ext run

⚠️ Syncing data using browser.storage.sync across different devices require same extension id on both devices.

extension id can be set in manifest.json

  • for chrome - "key" field
  • for firefox - "applications.gecko.id"

The easiest way to build and set know id by simply running two yarn commands

  • yarn build:dev && yarn manifest:specify -chrome
  • yarn build:dev && yarn manifest:specify -firefox


The above approach does not work very well during development as normally yarn watch:dev command is run to track changes and compile code, however it can cause the manifest to be reset and the yarn build:dev && yarn manifest:specify would need to be executed again.

As a temporary solution, the manifest.json file in src directly can be modified (BUT NOT COMMITTED) with either specific vendor changes.

Right fields can be copied from dist/manifest.json to src/manifest.json after running yarn manifest:specify command`

Firefox for Android

To test the extension while developing on Firefox for Android, install Firefox on your computer and adb, follow the steps in the Set up your computer and Android emulator or device to configure your debugging environment

  1. Build the extension as explained here (step 1 to 4)
  2. Add the firefox app id by running yarn manifest:specify -firefox
  3. Zip the dist folder and change the created file extension from .zip to .xpi
  4. Push it to your phone or emulator (using adb push ./dist-zip/all-mangas-reader-vXXX.xpi /mnt/sdcard/)
  5. Open Firefox on your phone and open (as an url) file:///mnt/sdcard/
  6. Tap the extension file, it will install it !
  7. You can now debug it using Firefox WebIDE and connect to your phone.


  • Vue : One of the most popular reactive framework, Vue allows to create great UI
  • Vuex : Reactive store for vue, vuex organizes the data model properly
  • Vuetify : a set of UI components for view based on Material design
  • vuex-shared-mutations : a great plugin for Vuex which allows to synchronize vuex data model through different instances of Vue using localStorage events
  • webextension-polyfill : web extension API has been normalize and is implemented in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, ... but with still a few differences, thanks to this polyfill, the code works everywhere

Dev dependencies

All Mangas Reader V2 is based on Webpack to compile the code.

Integration with Vue devtools

Make sure "Allow access to file URLs" is enabled Install Vue Remote tools

if you installed vue-devtools globally, run it with vue-devtools Open AMR popup, vue-devtools should now be connected

Note: Browser extension does not work due to security restrictions

Unchecked runtime.lastError while running scripting.executeScript: Cannot access a chrome-extension:// URL of different extension

For repository admins only

Release version

Beta channel is automatically updated on each commit.

Process to release a stable version :

  • Commit version change with message Update version to x.y.z before tag NO-CI
    • CI will run on gitlab but webhook (which generates xpi and crx server side) will not consider artefacts as a version because of the NO-CI in commit message
    • ⚠️ Do not forget NO-CI, if not, beta Vx.y.z.157 will be generated and will prevent next commits to create valid versions because after the version is tagged, beta version will start at 1 after the first commit after tag
  • Merge develop into master
  • Tag version on master (will generate release Vx.y.z when the tag CI runs on master)


All Mangas Reader is licensed under GPL V3 View LICENSE FILE