
Restore your dotfiles, bash environment and configurations.

Primary LanguageShell


Restore your dotfiles, bash environment and configurations.

Build your directory structure.

  • Fork it, clone, copy your dotfiles to ash/conf/home/ without leading dot.
     # Fork this repo
     # Clone forked repo
     git clone git@github.com:username/ash
     # Choose dotfiles you want to backup.
     # For example, .fun, .env, .screenrc, .inputrc, .gitconfig, .vimrc, etc.
     dotfiles='.fun .env .screenrc .inputrc .gitconfig .vimrc'
     for i in dotfiles
     	cp -a ~/$i ash/conf/home/${i#.}
  • Write your envs in ash/conf/home/env
  • Write you functions in ash/conf/home/fun
  • Write your local envs in ~/.env.local
  • Write you local functions in ~/.fun.local
  • Commit and push

Restore on other linux.

# For brand new
$ git clone https://github.com/username/ash
# Hard link all files in ash/conf/home to your home dir
$ ash/a.sh -L

# For updating
$ cd ash
$ git pull
# githook post-merge will do the rest

Have modified your dotfiles?

# Let's say ~/.fun
# Don't forget it's a hark link to ash/conf/home/fun
$ cd ash
# Commit changes
$ git add conf/home/fun
$ git commit -m 'added foo() in fun'
$ git push

# New codes in ~/.{env,fun,ali} need to be exported
$ # exit screen or tmux
$ rl
$ screen # tmux


# Change dir of githooks so git can track them
$ g config --global core.hooksPath .githooks/