
Dive into MPI and CUDA with practical exercises, enhancing the parallel processing skills. Explore distributed systems, GPU acceleration, and lab tasks to master the art of parallel programming. 🚀

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Parallel Processing Lab

This repository contains programs developed for the Parallel Processing Lab. The lab includes implementations in MPI (Message Passing Interface) and CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) for various parallel computing tasks.

Task 1: Matrix Multiplication

MPI Implementation (task1_mpi_matrix_multiply.c)

  • The program multiplies K different matrices A of dimension MxN with matrices B of dimension NxP.
  • Constraints: K * M * N <= 10^6; K * N * P <= 10^6; K * M * P <= 10^6;


  • K, M, N, P


  • Time taken for multiplication

CUDA Implementation (task1_cuda_matrix_multiply.cu)

  • The CUDA version of the program performs matrix multiplication using parallel GPU processing.


  • K, M, N, P


  • Time taken for multiplication

Task 2: Word Count and Sorting

MPI Implementation (task2_mpi_word_count.c)

  • The program counts the words in a file and sorts them in descending order of frequency using MPI.


  • No. of processes, Text input from file


  • Total time taken
  • Top 10 occurrences

CUDA Implementation (task2_cuda_word_count.cu)

  • The CUDA version counts words and performs sorting for improved parallelism on GPU.


  • No. of processes, Text input from file


  • Total time taken
  • Top 10 occurrences

Task 3: Phonebook Search

MPI Implementation (task3_mpi_phonebook_search.c)

  • The program searches for contacts in a phonebook file matching a given name using MPI.


  • No. of processes, Phonebook from file


  • Total time taken
  • Matching names and contact numbers

CUDA Implementation (task3_cuda_phonebook_search.cu)

  • The CUDA version accelerates the phonebook search on the GPU for improved parallel performance.


  • No. of processes, Phonebook from file


  • Total time taken
  • Matching names and contact numbers

Task 4: Pattern Occurrence Count

MPI Implementation (task4_mpi_pattern_occurrence.c)

  • The program finds the number of occurrences of a given pattern in a paragraph using MPI.


  • No. of processes, Paragraph from file


  • Total time taken
  • No. of occurrences of the pattern

CUDA Implementation (task4_cuda_pattern_occurrence.cu)

  • The CUDA version efficiently calculates pattern occurrences using GPU parallelism.


  • No. of processes, Paragraph from file


  • Total time taken
  • No. of occurrences of the pattern

Feel free to explore each task's respective source code for detailed comments and understand the parallel processing implementations.