
repo for keeping test / ugly / experimental / scratch / quick / little-programs type projects that don't go anywhere but might contain reusable code / concepts

Primary LanguageC++


repo for keeping test / ugly / experimental / scratch / quick / little-programs type projects that don't go anywhere but might contain reusable code / concepts


minifloat class and testbed

representing integers as 8bit floating point numbers


from the message of commit # 7a96e41dde7be5d6f8758b0bcba22b0f4e5fede0 :

  • currently, tests pass, however there might be cases where they don't
  • ergo, TODO: write tests where +/- fails before moving on to removing the int-conversion dependency in multiply and divide.
  • note for above: test when then exponent difference is greater than what's currently tested. Right now it tests for diff=0,1,2
  • note for above: it's intended to cause round-off errors for bigger differences anyway, but it still needs to be tested that it works as intended and not by random values. Mmmmm... IEEE 754 is hard... I fully respect those who implemented this is hardware and libraries and whatnot, they were awesome people

...but meanwhile! (as of 24/06/13)

  • tests pass for addition, substraction and meta-operations (I think). Meta operations are stuff like 1/inf, 1/0, inf+inf etc, no actual math involved
  • if tests for int-minifloat-int conversion were actual tests, they too would pass
  • multiply and divide rely on int conversion, which is less than stelar

...however! (as of 25/06/13)

  • tests pass for +,-,relational,mult & div (somehow)
  • division relies on probing the quotient until it's bigger than the divident, because I could not figure out a better way to account for round-off errors (which on these 8bit floats it's pretty darn horrible). I'm sure there's a better way, but I can't be bothered
  • I'm pretty much done here
  • if there really is a need for bonus points, I could just finish off implementing the stream operators, and maybe some C-like FILEptr functions that accomplish the same thing. Those would be cool
  • tests are awesome


collection of routines/experiments written in assembly. (Initially it was asmatoi.c which contains atoi routines for base 8, 10 and 16 written in inline gcc asm)


old version of espeak-chain


scripts used to transfer stuff off of archive.org. Also, sizeAll.sh which does a sum of multiple du outputs.


scripts used to extract archives which contain names in dubious code pages to an ntfs fs that doesn't support said code pages.


backup tool. Create a tbz tarball with the current timestamp and also add a message file with the same name

clpfcdgen & clpromgen

generate combinations of bits. These were used to finish a school project that involved writing down said combinations.


scripts used to download many jpegs and to pack them into cbr files (cha cha cha)


FFT radix-2 DIT implementation of the Cooley-Tukey algorithm.

A static library libfft.a and a header fft.h are provided for convenience.

There's also a naïve DFT implementation for speed comparisson.


I consider these some of my most important scripts. These drive espeak to output audio books just the way I like them.


cgi script that runs on lighttpd/fastcgi. Used to access my main computer through any browser to transfer files and/or crudely stream stuff.

gmockAutoGen & gstestAutoGen

wrote these for a code retreat event. They generate Makefiles for a project that uses gmock or gtest or something like that. Whatever.


this is where my experiments in golang were supposed to go, but didn't.


I have implemented Conwell's Game of Life in 15 minutes. However, I got the rules wrong. Oups!


I don't remember. Something in perl.


I used this to generate a huffman dictionary from cpp files for a LMS Training Center event.


Some form of proto encryption or something like that. This will be most useful for a school project that will be due soon (serendipity)


scripts used to rip stuff from youtube and convert them to mp4 and rename them and other stuff.


I honestly don't remember :-|. I think this too was for a LMS Traning Center event.


ImageMagick is weird when processing multiple things at once. This script is used to convert/extract the pages from a pdf to NUMPAGES jpegs. It's here because I keep forgetting I need to do it like this.

Always modify the "115" with the exact number of pages in your pdf.


scripts I used once to make a hand laser-scanned book readable.


big model generator for http://github.com/alzwded/school-rsff


opengl school project done in a couple of hours while learning openGL 2.


This folder contains school papers and whatnot


useful stuff you can do with sed


A project I've started long ago to use stl containers in C. Meh


script chain used to rip internet radios and then shuffle the ripped contents. I really love the shuffle.pl script.


define useful


scripts to help use the VLM module in VLC

TODO: use cat stuff - | cvlc