
Code for Shopify Backend Developer Intern Challenge - Summer 2022

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Deployed here: Shopify Inventory

Shopify Backend Developer Intern Challenge - Summer 2022

Inventory Tracking web app for products of a company.
Candidate: Ashish Manoj Chourasia
Additional Feature Chosen: Push a button export product data to a CSV


📜 Tech-Stack Used:

nodejs javascript express PostgreSQL

File/Folder Details:

    assets:             Contains images for this readme file.
    index.html:         The HMTL page containing JS and CSS that is rendered at the home page.
    server.js:          The starting file of the server application.
    db.js :             Database Connection
    database.sql:       SQL commands to be run on the database before the start of the application
    routes.js:          CRUD API routes operations on the products and inventory table
    exportRoutes.js:    Routes for exporting the data as a CSV File
    package* :          Configuration/Dependency file for the node application
    .env.example:       Example of how should the original .env file contain

💾 Installation and usage

Pre-requisites :

Node should be installed on the system
PostgreSQL should be installed and configured on the system.

  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone https://github.com/am-chourasia/shopify-backend-challenge.git
  2. Start the postresql database service:

    sudo service postgresql start
  3. Login to the postgresql with your credentials.

  4. Run the database commands in the database file to create the tables.

  5. Setup your environement variables in .env file from the .env environment example given.

  6. Open the terminal and start the server in the dev environment.
    This will expose the API Endpoints on the host and port specified in the .env file:

    npm run dev

📕 Database Design:


💽 API Details:


Endpoint Method Description
/products GET View all products:
/product POST Add a new Product in the products table which also reflects in the inventory table:
//product/id PUT Update an existing product with the given id
/product/id DELETE delete a product and therefore it's inventory
/inventory GET view all inventory details
/inventory/id GET get a row from inventory
/inventory/id PUT update an inventory
/export/product GET Export the product details to a csv file
/export/inventory GET Export the inventory details to a csv file

Examples of Requests and Response:

  1. GET Products:

    curl --request GET 'http://localhost:5000/products'
            "product_id": 8,
            "product_sku": '159632',
            "product_name": "Killer",
            "product_description": "Shirts like no other",
            "product_price": 999
            "product_id": 9,
            "product_sku": '147852',
            "product_name": "Bummer",
            "product_description": "Luxury like never before",
            "product_price": 400
  2. POST Product:

    curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:5000/product' \
        --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
        --data-raw '{
            "sku" : "456123",
            "name" : "Laptops",
            "description": "Laptops for work",
            "price" : 70000
        "product_id": 11,
        "product_sku": "456123",
        "product_name": "Laptops",
        "product_description": "Laptops for work",
        "product_price": 70000
  3. DELETE Product with given ID:

    curl --location --request DELETE 'http://alocalhost:5000/product/11'
        "product_id": 11,
        "product_sku": "456123",
        "product_name": "Laptops",
        "product_description": "Laptops for work",
        "product_price": 70000
  4. GET Inventory of all the products:

    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:5000/inventory'
            "inventory_id": 6,
            "product_id": 8,
            "product_sku": "159632",
            "incoming": 0,
            "available": 0,
            "ordered": 0,
            "sold": 0
            "inventory_id": 7,
            "product_id": 9,
            "product_sku": "147852",
            "incoming": 0,
            "available": 0,
            "ordered": 0,
            "sold": 0
  5. GET Invetory of a particular Product:

    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:5000/inventory/6'
            "inventory_id": 6,
            "product_id": 8,
            "product_sku": "159632",
            "incoming": 0,
            "available": 0,
            "ordered": 0,
            "sold": 0
  6. PUT Update Inventory Details of a product:

    curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:5000/inventory/6' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data-raw '{
            "incoming": 10,
            "available": 50,
            "ordered": 18,
            "sold": 25
        "inventory_id": 6,
        "product_id": 8,
        "product_sku": "159632",
        "incoming": 10,
        "available": 50,
        "ordered": 18,
        "sold": 25
  7. EXPORT Product Details:

    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:5000/export/products'
    CSV File containing the product details
  8. EXPORT Inventory Details:

    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:5000/export/inventory'
    CSV File containing the Inventory Details of all Products