Flash decision


Flash Decision - an application designed to enhance your securities trading skills through comprehensive training.

Solution Architecture

  • Backend: Python 3.11
  • Frontend: Vue.js 3
  • SQL Database: PostgreSQL
  • NoSQL Database: MongoDb
  • Cache: Redis
  • Observability: Grafana & Loki
  • CI/CD: Docker containers & GitHub Actions

Backend highlights

  • Built with a focus on high maintainability, scalability, and testability, utilizing architectural patterns like Clean Architecture and Domain-Driven Design (DDD).
  • Employs a modern technology stack: FastAPI, SQLAlchemy 2.0 with async ORM, Pandas 2.0 and Pydantic 2.0.
  • Implements powerful logging using structlog and rich. JSON-based logs for production and aesthetically pleasing RICH logs for development.
  • Offers database flexibility through alembic database migrations, with two separate schemas for production and development data.
  • Embraces code conciseness using the attrs and pydantic libraries.
  • Ensures high code cohesion and low coupling by applying the dependency inversion principle and employing various software design patterns:
    • Classic patterns: Factory, Singleton, Command, State, Observer, Facade.
    • DDD patterns: ValueObject, Aggregate, Repository, UnitOfWork.
  • Enhances code quality by utilizing rich types through Generics and other techniques.
  • Simplifies high-level configuration with the Bootstrap and Config modules, along with the use of environment variables via dot-env.
  • Maintains a high-quality codebase with linters such as mypy, ruff, black, and isort.
  • Minimizes low-quality code commits with pre-commit hooks.
  • Ensures code reliability with extensive testing, covering 94% of the codebase through a combination of 98 integration and unit tests, evaluated using pytest-cov.

Project highlights

  • Over 100 tickets on the project's Backend Kanban board and project's Frontend Kanban board
  • More than 180 uniform Git commits with detailed descriptions that are linked to Kanban tickets.
  • The app can operate in 2 modes: production or development.
  • A useful Makefile is included to automate and streamline the build process.