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Mushfeed is a niche app built specifically for gourmet mushroom lovers. It is my first large-scale personal project, and has the following features:
- Real time photo sharing and social media features (like, comment, view profile, report/delete post, recover account)
- Interactive mushroom index featuring information on gourmet, poisonous, non-edible, and choice mushrooms commonly found in North America/Europe
- Grow mushrooms index with step-by-step instructions to grow edible gourmet mushrooms
How did I make Mushfeed?
- Senior year of High School I enrolled in a Swift Development Course and learned the basics to Swift and UIKit
- I enrolled in several online courses to learn about MVVM and Firebase Auth/Cloud Firestore
- I learned SwiftUI to make my app usable and great-looking
Why Mushrooms?
- I wanted to build a niche-specific app that would be practical for those who use it
- Mushroom enthusiasts gave the best feedback when I sent out a survey asking about which features they wanted in an app
Mushfeed is under an exclusive copyright by default.