
A discord bot template

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Change the name of copy.env to .env and put your bots token.

In the config.json put the prefix of your bot!

In config.json replace put hex color code with a hex color code. With the color you want for the help embed!

Then open cmd.bat and type npm i

and to start it open cmd.bat and type node . or if you have nodemon installed you can type nodemon client.js

Adding your own commands:

1. Go to commands/temp.txt copy the code.

2. In commands make a file called cmd.js replace cmd with the name of your command name.

3. Paste the text from command/temp.txt.

4. replace the name with the name of your command.

5. replace aliases with some aliases or leave it blank if you don't want any.

6. replace description with a description.

7. and delete put code here with the code for your command.

And if all goes well when you run the bot bot. If you see a checkmark in the console next to the command that means it will work!!