
Primary LanguageShell

How to set up a telegram alerts for ORAI node


  1. Clone repository to your server
cd $HOME && git clone -v https://github.com/ama31337/oraitips.git
  1. Edit is_jailed.sh script with your moniker (MONIKER='"YOUR_MONIKER"')
vim $HOME/oraitips/scripts/is_jailed.sh
  1. Create new telegram bot via @botfarter and change bot_api_token and tg_chat_or_user_id (chat with your bot or your user ID for direct messages from bot) inside Send_msg_toTelBot.sh
vim $HOME/oraitips/scripts/Send_msg_toTelBot.sh
  1. Make scripts execurable
chmod +x $HOME/oraitips/scripts/*.sh
  1. Create cronjob to execute scripts every 5 minute:

check your $HOME path to the correct one

echo $HOME

open crontab

crontab -e

and change $HOME to the output of prev. command

*/5 * * * *      cd $HOME/oraitips/scripts && ./check_sync.sh >> $HOME/oraitips/scripts/check_sync.log
*/5 * * * *      cd $HOME/oraitips/scripts && ./is_jailed.sh >> $HOME/oraitips/scripts/is_jailed.log

Done! You've succesfully setup telegram alerts to check your node health.