
Ansible role for configuring rsyslog to send log files to Loggly over TLS

Primary LanguageShell

Role Name

This role sets the server up to send logging information from rsyslog to loggly


Before running you will have to set up an account at https://loggly.com and add your unique token to an ansible vault

Role Variables

Store the following in a vault file:

    token: yourlogglytokenhere


All configuration was done with rsyslogd v8.32.0.

Example Playbook

ansible-playbook tests/test.yml -i your_inventory_file

How to include this role:

- hosts: servers
    - loggly_tls

Usage With Unicorn

By default, this playbook assumes that you are running Unicorn for an application server. To disable this functionality, set the loggly.refresh_unicorn variable to false.

Usage With Shoryuken

This playbook will also rotate Shoryuken logs. To enable this functionality, set the loggly.refresh_shoryuken variable to true.



Author Information

www.ama.ab.ca, webmaster@ama.ab.ca