Exam Seating Arrangement System (ESAS)


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring the Exam Seating Arrangement System (ESAS), a web project developed using NetBeans IDE, Java Servlet, JSP, and MySQL.


  • NetBeans IDE (Recommended version: 8.0.2, but other versions are compatible)
  • MySQL Database
  • MySQL Workbench

Installation Steps

1. Setting Up the Environment

  1. Install NetBeans IDE: Download and install NetBeans IDE (version 8.0.2 or later) from the official website.
  2. Install MySQL Database: Set up MySQL on your system. Use the password apcl123456 for database access (this is the default password used in the project, which you can change later).

2. Configuring the Database

  1. Launch MySQL Workbench: Start the MySQL Workbench application.
  2. Prepare the Project: Unzip the project folder named ESRS.zip.
  3. Setting Up the Database:
    • Navigate to the ESRS\DatabaseScript\esas.sql location.
    • Open esas.sql file.
    • Copy all the SQL script from this file.
    • Paste the script into the MySQL Workbench workspace and execute it to create the esas database.

3. Configuring the Project in NetBeans

  1. Start NetBeans IDE.
  2. Server Setup: Ensure GlassFish Server is added in NetBeans. If not, add the GlassFish server.
  3. Open the Project: Go to ESRS\Project directory and open the project in NetBeans.
  4. Database Configuration:
    • To modify database configurations like password or host, open the Connect class located in the com package.
    • Adjust the database settings as per your requirements.
  5. Run the Project: Execute the project in NetBeans.

4. Accessing the System

  • Login Credentials:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: test


Follow these steps to successfully set up and run the Exam Seating Arrangement System. For any additional help or troubleshooting, contact the developer, Amaan