
Primary LanguageJavaScript


forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge


Project Overview

This web application is designed to provide a comprehensive suite of tools for resume analysis and creation. It leverages React for the front end and Flask for the back end, with integration of OpenAI's GPT models. The main features include:

  • Resume Analysis: Upload your resume to get insights on key skills, awards, projects, and experiences.
  • Cover Letter Generation: Generate a tailored cover letter based on your resume and job description.
  • Resume Builder: Create a resume from a text input about yourself.
  • ATS Checker: Analyze how well your resume matches a job description and get an ATS score.



  • npm
  • Node.js
  • Python 3
  • pip

Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory

git clone https://github.com/Charuhas10/resumeAI.git
cd resumeAI

Setting up the Backend

Run the following commands in the terminal to set up the backend

cd backend
python -m venv env
source env/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py

Setting up the OpenAI API

Navigate to backend/routes/builder.py, and backend/routes/uploadATS.py and replace the API key with your own.

client = openai.Client(api_key="XXXXX")

replace XXXXX with your API key.

Setting up the Frontend

Run the following commands in the terminal to set up the frontend

cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev


Resume Analysis

  1. Navigate to the Resume Analysis tab.
  2. Upload your resume to receive an analysis.

Cover Letter Generation

  1. Navigate to the Cover Letter Generator.
  2. Upload your resume and input the job description to receive a tailored cover letter.

Resume Builder

  1. Enter a description about yourself in the provided text field.
  2. Click 'Generate' to receive a structured resume.

ATS Checker

  1. Upload your resume.
  2. Input the job description.
  3. Receive an ATS compatibility score and improvement suggestions.


Charuhas Reddy Balam

