
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Email Automator

Want to Sent Bulk of Emails with one Click?

We Got Your Back!

Email Automator is a python script that will allow you to auotmate you boring stuff. All you need is coloumns of Names and Emails to Send the email with one click. I have made a Juypter Notebook too for your ease. All the steups are explained in detailed there.

Email Automator


  1. Automate the Emails
  2. Name of the Recepient Will be Mentioned
  3. Free

Pre Requirements

Configure SMTP Server

The smtplib is a Python library for sending emails using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

1st: Enable Two Way Authentication in Google

2nd: Generate an App Password from "Signing in to Google". (https://myaccount.google.com/security)

Note: Replace Your Gmail Account and App Password in the code below for it working.


For Linux/macOS User

Go To Terminal and run following command:

git clone https://github.com/XFarooqi/Email_Automator.git

It will download a NoCodePortfolio folder in your directory. Simply open that folder from any of your favouite IDE and run Email_Automator.py or you can try notebook Email_Automator.ipynb.

For Window User

Go To Powershell and run following command:

git clone https://github.com/XFarooqi/Email_Automator.git

It will download a NoCodePortfolio folder in your directory. Simply open that folder from any of your favouite IDE and run Email_Automator.py or you can try notebook Email_Automator.ipynb.

Juypter Notebook

If you want an easy interface, then Juypter Notebook is for you. All you need to open Email_Automator.ipynb in notebook on your system. In case, you do not have it then you can use Google Collab.


  1. Open Goolge Collab (https://colab.research.google.com/)

  2. Select GitHub

  3. Paste the Link of this repository

That's all you will be ready to use the Email Automator on Google Collab


It is free for the community. Fell free use and Enjoy!