LinkedIn Clone - Using LAMP stack

A social media platform that combines the professional networking of LinkedIn with the visual content of Instagram.


  • Post updates and photos: Share updates and photos with your connections, just like on Instagram.
  • Connect with others: Build your professional network by connecting with colleagues, classmates, and friends.
  • Message each other: Send private messages to other users on the platform.
  • Like and share posts: Show your support for other users' content by liking and sharing their posts.


  • Website: Built using the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.


  • A web server running Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.


  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Set up a LAMP stack on your web server.
  3. Import the linkedinstagram.sql file into your MySQL database.
  4. Update the config.php file with your database credentials.
  5. Place the repository files in the appropriate location on your web server.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.