
An iPad-friendly life counter webapp for Yomi, built with the Om library, a ClojureScript library built upon React.js.

Primary LanguageCSS


An Om-based life counter for the Yomi fighting card game.

Based on the totally kickass Figwheel; see instructions at https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel.

Running Locally

bundle install
bundle exec compass compile src/foundation
lein figwheel

Now open localhost:3449 and you're golden.


  1. Modify deploy.sh to point at a server you have SSH access to! Right now it points to alanmacdougall.com and yomicounter.com.
  2. ./deploy.sh staging or ./deploy.sh prod will build the app with advanced compilation, rsync to the appropriate server, and rebuild in dev mode for continued local development.