
Demo application for ASAP. Simple Flask/MongoDB/Redis system.

Primary LanguagePython

ASAP Demo App


I kept it pretty simple. Decoupled routes, domain logic, and database logic. Tests only cover the domain logic, with mocks for the database layer. Caching is implemented in the database layer; domain doesn't have to know a thing about it.

I chose to use UUIDv5 for the member ids. Probably not an unusual choice.

Suggested read order:

  • members.py and test_members.py: to see the core domain logic
  • routes.py: to see how the domain logic is used
  • db.py: to see the underpinnings of the domain logic
  • templates/*.html: ...honestly not very interesting at all


Standard Docker Compose setup. Check out the code, copy .env.example to .env and set some values, then:

docker compose up --build


There's only one test file! I would just run it directly with python:

python3 flask/app/test_members.py