
Simple canvas-based Snake game, packaged with Electron.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A simple canvas-based version of the classic Snake game, packaged with Electron. Hit Enter to begin; use arrow keys or WASD to steer; R to restart if you crash. Note that the snake advances on a timed game loop: the controls change the direction of your next step.

Core game logic can be found in src, naturally. Since I wrote this code within a three-hour window, you will note that test coverage is decent for the inner classes such as Snake and Game, but testing and architecture fall off as I rushed to hook up the game logic to a renderer and UI.

The application makes use of a Canvas helper class, Blockboard, which I had written for other projects.

Feel free to tweak the defaults at the top of src/game.js.


git clone https://github.com/amacdougall/electron-snake # or download and extract the zipfile
npm install
npm start