
A video annotation site written in Clojure/ClojureScript

Primary LanguageClojure

Raise Your Game

Source code for raiseyourga.me, which will eventually be a community annotation site for Youtube videos. Whether the world needs this project is immaterial; I'm doing it to practice Clojure and ClojureScript.


You will need Leiningen 2.0 or above installed.


This application is based on the Luminus scaffolding generator, with the +postgres, +auth, +swagger, and +cljs profiles. Somewhat modified at this point, and will no doubt diverge further.

I suggest starting the REPL with lein repl, and then starting and stopping the webserver with (start-http-server <port>) and (stop-http-server).

lein test will run the tests, but you can also use lein test-refresh to autorun tests on file changes.

Running CLJS Tests

The CLJS tests use https://github.com/bensu/doo; follow the instructions in the Doo readme to set up the Karma test runner. Run the tests under Chrome or Firefox:

lein doo <runner> admin-test [once]

The chrome, firefox, phantom, and slimer runners are known to be working; I didn't trouble myself to set up the node runner, since the CLJS will only ever run in the browser anyway.


Copyright © 2016 Alan MacDougall