BOSH Halo Release

This is a release repository for BOSH that deploys the Halo Agent application.

Prerequisites: (if you dont already have a BOSH environment initialized):

  1. Here's a setup tutorial for AWS (
  2. Install BOSH CLI gem gem install bosh_cli
  3. Let the CLI know about bosh Director bosh target <director_ip_address> (use admin/admin to log in)

Getting Started:

Each BOSH deployment needs to provide a specially structured configuration file - deployment manifest.

Here is a sample manifest that utilizes AWS.

name: halo # <--- Replace with your own deploy name
director_uuid: '' # <--- Replace with Director UUID

- name: cloudpassage
  version: '' # <--- Replace with the latest release version

- name: default
  type: dynamic
    subnet: '' # <--- Replace with AWS subnet id

- name: default
  network: default
    name: '' # <--- Replace with Stemcell name
    version: latest
    instance_type: m3.medium
    availability_zone: # <--- Replace with your AWS region, ie. us-west-1b
    auto_assign_public_ip: true

  workers: 2
  network: default
    availability_zone: # <--- Replace with your AWS region, ie. us-west-1b
    instance_type: m3.medium

  canaries: 1
  canary_watch_time: 60000-180000
  update_watch_time: 60000-180000
  max_in_flight: 2

- name: cp_halo
  - name: cp_halo
  instances: 1
  resource_pool: default
  - name: default
      access_key_id: '' # <--- Replace with AWS Access Key ID
      secret_access_key: '' # <--- Replace with AWS Secret Key
      default_key_name: '' # <--- Replace with SSH key name
      default_security_groups: [] # <--- Replace with AWS Security Group name
      region: ''  # <--- Replace with Region, ie. us-west-1

    agent_key: '' # <--- Replace with Halo Agent Key

Create BOSH Release

After the manifest content is fully populated, the next step is to create a release.

  1. bosh upload release releases/cloudpassage/cloudpassage-2.yml Upload the generated release to the director.
Acting as user 'admin' on 'my-bosh'

| Name           | Versions  | Commit Hash |
| cloudpassage   | 2         | 0245027e+   |
(*) Currently deployed
(+) Uncommitted changes

Releases total: 1

Set Deployment Manifest

  1. bosh status --uuid Update the director_uuid value in the manifest.yml with the value
  2. bosh deployment manifest.yml Set the deployment manifest

Upload stemcell

Official BOSH stemcells are maintained with security updates at

  1. bosh upload <stemcell.tgz> Upload stemcell to Director:
  2. bosh stemcells See Uploaded Stemcells:
Acting as user 'admin' on 'my-bosh'

| Name                                        | OS            | Version | CID          |
| bosh-aws-xen-centos-7-go_agent              | centos-7      | 3312    | ami-b33b6fd3 |
| bosh-aws-xen-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent         | ubuntu-trusty | 3309*   | ami-ff683d9f |
| bosh-warden-boshlite-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent | ubuntu-trusty | 3309    | ami-856e3be5 |

(*) Currently in-use

Stemcells total: 3


  1. bosh deploy

Director task 729
Deprecation: Ignoring cloud config. Manifest contains 'networks' section.

  Started preparing deployment > Preparing deployment. Done (00:00:00)

  Started preparing package compilation > Finding packages to compile. Done (00:00:00)

  Started compiling packages > cp_halo/99d59c7894951c76cf497dfd9514e887b209c710. Done (00:02:41)

  Started creating missing vms > cp_halo/654ebee1-ba0a-4016-9e53-dd5942528f00 (0). Done (00:01:25)

  Started updating instance cp_halo > cp_halo/654ebee1-ba0a-4016-9e53-dd5942528f00 (0) (canary). Done (00:01:57)

Task 729 done

Started   2016-11-22 19:07:33 UTC
Finished  2016-11-22 19:13:37 UTC
Duration  00:06:04

Deployed 'halo' to 'my-bosh'