
Plugin that synchronizes part damage and ailment buildup

Primary LanguageC#

HunterPie Sync Plugin

This is plugin for HunterPie that allows syncing monster buildup data from party-leader to other party members using central server.


  1. Drag'n'drop icon below to into HunterPie window:

    NOTE: if that's doesn't work, click on icon with right mouse button and select "Save Link As". Then dran'n'drop saved file into HunterPie window.

  2. Restart application (there will be notification that will prompt you to do so)

How it works

Since Monster Hunter World doesn't store monster part HP and ailments buildup for non-leader party members in memory, HunterPie cannot show these values in overlay. To handle this problem, Sync Plugin will send session id, monster hunter's character name and role (leader, non-leader) to external server. When on for single session at least one leader and one other member registered, leader will send parts hp and ailments buildup information that will be propagated to all other members.

To reduce traffic and server load, connection will not be opened for expeditions with only single member. And client will automatically disconnect if no other members connect in 3 minutes. That because application cannot know if any of them have HunterPie with sync plugin installed.

Explanation of whole process (simplified):

state machine

  1. Party leader sends session information and waits for server message
  2. Party leader receives message that no other members are present in session, so it waits for others
  3. Non-leader member sends session information and waits for server message
  4. Server sends session update to both clients, allowing leader to push monster data and non-leader members to receive it
  5. When monster data changes, leader sends changes information to server
  6. Non-leader members receive changes and apply it to HunterPie's internal monsters state, so overlay will display correct values


On first run, in plugin directory config.json file will be created. It will be loaded as configuration on plugin initialization.

LogLevel: set verbosity of plugin logging (Trace, Debug, Warn, Info, Error). Note that this will ignore core application settings.

ServerUrl: change sync server url. Useful when using local server

It is also possible to configure server logging with ServerLogging object:

    Enable: true,
    Name: 'your-name',
    Room: 'room unique id to discern'

What will be sent to server: all plugin-related logs that user can see in application, along time, specified name.

Build & Debug

Project is dependent on HunterPie.Core.dll binary. It will be referenced from .\HunterPie\HunterPie.Core.dll and ..\..\HunterPie\HunterPie\bin\<Debug|Release>\HunterPie.Core.dll relative to project root (later have higher priority if present). If during build .\HunterPie\HunterPie.Core.dll is missing, build script will automatically download latest HunterPie release from GitHub.

In order to debug HunterPie with plugin, following steps may be taken to rebuild plugin on each HunterPie build:

  1. Checkout this repository as sibling for HunterPie project repository

  2. Add Plugin.Sync project as reference for HunterPie solution (optional, but highly recommended)

  3. Add following line to post-build event for HunterPie project (including quotes):

    "$(MSBuildBinPath)\msbuild.exe" "$(ProjectDir)..\..\Plugin.Sync\Plugin.Sync\Plugin.Sync.csproj"

  4. Set "Run the post-build event" value to "Always", so module binaries will be updated for every build

After these steps, you can just edit plugin project inside HunterPie solution and will have latest binaries for each run so it is easily debbuggable.

module.json can have placeholders that will be populated on build:

  • $hash:<filename>$: SHA hash of file

  • $version:<filename>$: version of file

  • $BRANCH$: current branch name

Sync server

Server source and communication protocol documentation can be found in it's repository.

Client sync state machine map:

state machine