Clone the project
git clone Beer
cd Beer
carthage update --platform iOS
open Beer\ List.xcodeproj
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.
You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
Run carthage update
to build the frameworks.
If you want to check out some stuff, you could go to playground and see the Views and play around. However, first, check if you had already built the Beer-List-ios-Playground.
If you want to try something new or just check something, you could go to _ScratchWork
and check some of the code. Or, try new implementations of something.
You can also change the 'device' view or orientation on playground by changing the enum.
public enum Device { // Type of devices
case phone3_5inch
case phone4inch
case phone4_7inch
case phone5_5inch
case pad
case pad12_9inch
public enum Orientation { // Orientations
case portrait
case landscape
let (parent, _) = playgroundControllers(device: .phone4inch, orientation: .portrait, child: navigationController)