
Useful information for using Amadeus for Developers APIs in Hackathons

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Hackathon Starter

Have you been in a hackathon in the past? Time flies! We have prepared this quick reference document for you to get familiar with our APIs.

Happy Hacking!

Table of Contents

Getting Started

First of all, you need to create an account:

  1. Go to our portal and click on register.
  2. Fill in the form using a valid email address and click on the Create account button. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you have just registered.
  3. Open your mail and click on Activate your account.

What's next? Our get started guide contains detailed information about how to get your API key and make your first API call.

The APIs use OAuth2 as authentication mechanism. The authorization guide provides deep technical information on how to get a token in order to perform API calls.


Destination Experiences
Cars and Transfers
Market insights
Itinerary management


Because there is life beyond curl.

Cheat sheet

We normally bring some printed copies to the hackathons, but for your convenience check out the web version.

Let's save the planet!

Tutorials and guides

In the Developer Guides you can find tutorials to help you make the most of our APIs.

You can also find a list of blog articles and videos to help you build travel apps with several Amadeus APIs and technologies.


If you love Postman as we do, you'll be glad to see our public Postman workspace.

New to Postman? Don't miss the How to play with Self-Service APIs with no code article in our blog.


Explore all the self-contained code examples as well as prototypes.

Data collection

During the hackathon you'll use the Test environment, which means that our APIs are using cached data. You can find which data is available on the data collection repository.


  • When I go to the portal I see two API catalogs: Self-Service and Enterprise. Which one should I use during the Hackathon?

Amadeus for Developers includes two different offers: Self-Service and Enterprise, each meeting different customer needs. During the Hackathon you will use Self-Service APIs as Enterprise is tailored to companies with scale needs and leading brands in the travel industry.

  • When I create an application on the portal I see two environments: Test and Production. What's that?

The Test environment is the default environment for all new applications. This is where you will enjoy a fixed free number of free API call quota per month. When you reach the limit, you will receive an error message. No worries because you have enough calls for the Hackathon!

Once you feel that your application is ready to be deployed to the Real World™, you will want to move it to the Production environment. There is no need to move to production in a Hackathon unless you are willing to pay!


If something is wrong, confusing or you miss information, please let us know. Send your pull request or create an issue in the repository.