
Project that fill @amadeuslms[1] with new UI and UX ideas and discussions.

Frameworks/Libs Used

  • Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • font-awesome 4.6.3
  • Jquery (a pre-requisite for Material Design Bootstrap)
  • Material Design by FezVastra [2]
  • w3data [3]
  • Acessibility plugin for Bootstrap 3 [4]

Rules of the game

  • Create you files based in the template from html/templates/default_page.html.
  • Don't write css or javascript directly into html page.
  • assets/css/amadeus.css is the place for css.
  • assets/js/controllers/ is the place for page-specific javascript.
  • To add new assets, put it on settings.js file. It configures witch css and js files will be loaded. Remenber to add the same to html/templates/head.html template

Patterns for Folders

  1. html: All .html files are stored inside html/screens/app_folder, basically, as we are serving a django project, we think about where this html will be a better fit, example: "auth_user.html" will be on "html/screens/user" because it is best place it can be.

    • 1.1. components: fine grained component html. One file for each component.

      • 1.1.1. base: UI base components (navbar, breadcrumbs...).
      • 1.1.2. cards: card views related with content. To be used to compose pages.
      • 1.1.3. contextual: cards related with dynamic actions and things that need attention (displayed in rigth side).
      • 1.1.4. menus: left-side menus (almost static content) that have recurrent actions for each page.
    • 1.2. screens: the final screens composed using components.

    • 1.3. templates: page templates to use as base for new pages creation.

      • 1.3.1. default_page.html: the file to copy when starting a new page or refactoring one.
      • 1.3.2. head.html: prametric header (inclusions of css & js files).
  2. assets: The assets folder, with all non-html things.

    • 2.1. css: All .css files that are used.

      • 2.1.1. vendor: all external css libs used into project.
    • 2.2. fonts: the font files used in the system.

    • 2.3. img: all image files that are used.

      • 2.3.1. icons: all custom icons used in the project.
      • 2.3.2. images: all images used as asset (like photos or graphics and charts).
      • 2.3.3. logos: logo images.
    • 2.4. js: All .js files that are used.

      • 2.4.1. vendor: all external js libs used into project.
      • 2.4.2. controllers: javascript files related with specific pages.

Running application pages

To run, is just needed a server landing in the project folder (root folder) and open the 'server_url/html/*' files
Tested with [Apache hpptd (Apache2)] (https://httpd.apache.org/), [Cloud9] (https://c9.io/), and [Webserver for Chrome] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/web-server-for-chrome/ofhbbkphhbklhfoeikjpcbhemlocgigb).

About w3data usage and amadeus.js

  • assets/js/amadeus.js is the default dev Amadeus lib, that uses w3data to work with templates.
  • amadeus.js works with handle page referencing too. It provide default paths to be used as default.
  • {{componentPath}}: default path to components folder
  • {{templatePath}}: default path to templates folder
  • {{controllerPath}}: path to assets/js/controlers/ folder
  • {{hostPath}}: pages host
  • {{assetPath}}: default path to assets folder
  • {{screenPath}}: default path to screens folder

So, with that we don't worry about where the folder is, just using this pattern, we can refer anything in the project.
The only exception in this case are the needed libs to make it work (w3data & amadeus.js).

  • Setting up breadcrumb (using Amadeus.setBreadcrumb):
  • params:
      1. A list with objects of type { name: Displayname, path: URLPath (you can use Amadeus.paths.* to generate) }
      1. The name of the curent page (A pretty Displayname)
	// set data to breadcrumb in Subject page
		// this way...
		{ name: 'Home', path: '{{screenPath}}/users/teacher/home_teacher.html' },
		// ...or like this
		{ name: 'Courses', path: Amadeus.paths.screens('/users/teacher/home_course_teacher.html') }


We use HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript in our files. You are free to contribute and bring new patterns, such as SASS or LESS for CSS.

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript

Naming conventions for Files

  • For any html file, we use the pattern "generic_specific" pattern, basically, generic could be any of [home, edit, profile] and specific would be [user, student, professor].

  • Files can only contain letters, digits and underscores - no spaces, punctuation or funny caracters

  • Files should always start with a letter.

  • We suggest that you use only lowercase letters thus making it more error-prone.

  • About the images, put names that you remember what's inside of it "tree.png" should be exactly what you're thinking of: an image of a tree, not a car or even a bunch of trees.

Commit Patterns

We set our tasks on the project using the issue system of github, any commit you may add should be addressed to a single ISSUE , example "solving problem #12". Thus making it clear for others what you're trying to solve or add.


[1] https://github.com/amadeusproject/amadeuslms

[2] https://github.com/FezVrasta/bootstrap-material-design

[3] http://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_html_include.asp

[4] https://github.com/paypal/bootstrap-accessibility-plugin