
How to use currentranger

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

How to use Current Ranger

Tested on macOS 11.6.3. Capture and explore interactive plot of current usage:

Example image of current usage


  1. Install grabserial:
    1. git clone https://github.com/tbird20d/grabserial.git
    2. cd grabserial && sudo python setup.py install
  2. Connect your currentranger for safe use using a USB isolator, making a note of the device address once plugged in, e.g. /dev/cu.usbmodem14101
  3. If using the scripts, update the .sh files with your device address
  4. Switch on the currentranger
  5. Set currentranger adc sampling to SLOW (./send.sh s)
  6. Set currentranger to start USB logging (./send.sh u)
  7. Check it's logging correctly (./view.sh), ctrl-c to exit

Manual capture

  1. Grab some data: grabserial -d "/dev/cu.usbmodem14101" -e 10 -t -n > output.log
    • -d ... - serial port
    • -e 10 - run for 10s
    • -t - show timestamp
    • -n - don't show delta between messages
    • > output.log - save output to output.log
  2. Create a blank csv file: echo "timestamp,current" > output.csv
  3. Manually clean output.log, checking for any garbled messages (first and last lines)
  4. Pipe output.log into output.csv: sed -e 's/[][]//g' -e 's/ /,/g' output.log >> output.csv

Scripted capture

  1. Grab some data: ./record.sh and check for any garbled messages
  2. Process the data: ./process.sh


  1. Open analysis.ipynb and follow instructions