
ROS2 driver for Swift Navigation GNSS

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Swift Nav driver for ROS2



This is a C++ ROS driver for Swift Nav Piksi Multi GPS / GNSS Receivers. The code is based on offical Swiftnav libswiftnav C example.


The current version supports (not tested elsewhere):

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS2 Foxy
  • Colcon tools
  • Communication over serial



Installing dependencies with script

cd sdk
sudo ./sdk-install


colcon build --packages-select swift_nav_driver


In param/defaults.param.yaml file:

  • baudrate - driver was tested with 230400, default value set on Piksi is 115200
  • port - must be set port name found in /dev for the device
  • frame_id - frame id for the device, default value: "gnss"

Settings in Piksi console

In Swift Console software:

  • set imu rate
  • enable and login to ntrip provider
  • in used uart settings make sure that needed messages are enabled
    • msg_pos_llh_cov_t - 0x0211 - 529
    • msg_vel_ned_cov_t - 0x0212 - 530
    • msg_gps_time_t - 0x0102 - 258
    • msg_imu_raw_t - 0x0900 - 2304/20 (number after / divides rate of set imu rate by int number)


ros2 launch swift_nav_driver swift_nav_driver.launch.py

Alternatively you can use a ros2 run

ros2 run swift_nav_driver swift_nav_node_exe


Driver publishes the following topics and [types]:

  • /gnss/nav_fix Type: sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix
  • /gnss/nav_speed Type: geometry_msgs/msg/TwistWithCovarianceStamped
  • /gnss/nav_time Type: sensor_msgs/msg/TimeReference
  • /gnss/imu Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu

Further reading