
A script to check TestFlight beta apps and alerts you when there's open slots for a given list of apps

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


I enjoy testing various macOS/iOS beta apps via Apple's TestFlight program.

Apple currently caps the beta users to 10k per app, which led me to create this tool.

This script checks TestFlight beta apps and alerts you when there's open slots for a given list of apps.

Prepare TestFlight apps

Search online for the app TestFlight invitation URL.

E.g. Slack TestFlight invitation URL is: https://testflight.apple.com/join/QE3kgqJ2

apps = {
    "Slack": "QE3kgqJ2",
    "Discord": "gdE4pRzI",
    "ProtonMail": "8SxXknzD",
    "1Password": "8SxXknzD",
    "GitHub": "8SxXknzD",


For push notifications, I'm using the Pushover service, but there are many alternatives.

In send_push_alert():

  • Enter the user api token
  • Enter the app api token


Set up a service or cron to run the script at an interval

E.g. 0 */6 * * * python3 testflight-beta-watcher.py


This software {testflight-beta-watcher} has not been endorsed or supported by Apple or Pushover and is in no way associated with them and/or its subsidiaries or affiliate.