
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This module wraps up forge.js' RSA KEM logic for easy use. The interface it exposes is, at the highest level, generic enough that the underlying implementation could be changed in the future. However, doing so would mean changing the available configuration settings (and a major version bump).


npm install --save rk8-pki


This module exports an initialization function to which settings are passed. This function returns an object with 3 methods - keypair, encrypt, and decrypt.


var initRk8pki = require('../rk8-pki.js');
var rk8pki = initRk8pki({
    pregenerateKeyPairs: 0
var assert = require('assert');

var original = 'Original value';

rk8pki.keypair( function (err, keypair) {
		function (err, encrypted) {
				return assert.fail(err);
				function (err, decrypted) {
						return assert.fail(err);
					assert.equal(decrypted.toString(), original, 'Encrypted object decrypts to the same string as the original');



The initialization function is passed a configuration object with these keys:


Tells us whether we should allow forge.js to use native modules, which can significantly improve performance but may cause portablity issues.

Default: false


An object with two keys - public and private - that determine how many PEM-encoded public or private keys can have their decoded representations cached in an LRU cache so they don't have to be decoded again.

Default: { public: 50, private: 50 }


A number indicating how many keypairs should be generated in the background and cached so that keypair doesn't have to wait for them to be generated and PEM-encoded, which can be a lengthy process.

Default: 10


Generating keypairs, PEM-encoding keys, and decoding PEM-encoded keys can be lengthy processes that block the event loop. By default rk8-pki mitigates this by forking a single child process to handle the actual work. If fork is set to false the work is done on the current process instead.


keypair([timeout], callback)

This function generates a 2048 bit PEM-encoded RSA key pair with a public key and a private key.

timeout is the number of milliseconds to wait for the operation to complete.

callback is a function(err, result) to be called when the operation completes or returns an error.

To be documented.

encrypt(message, pemEncodedPublicKey, [timeout], callback)

...uses SHA 256 and AES-GCM and returns an object containing k, iv, m, and t properties, where

  • k - is the RSA-KEM encapsulated secret key
  • iv - is the initialization vector
  • m - is the cipher text (encrypted message)
  • t - is the cipher mode tag

To be documented.

decrypt(encrypted, pemEncodedPrivateKey, [timeout], callback)

encrypted is expected to be an object containing k, iv, m, and t properties, where

  • k - is the RSA-KEM encapsulated secret key
  • iv - is the initialization vector
  • m - is the cipher text (encrypted message)
  • t - is the cipher mode tag

that was created using SHA 256 and AES-GCM.

pemEncodedPrivateKey is a PEM-encode RSA private key

timeout is the number of milliseconds to wait for the operation to complete.

callback is a function(err, result) to be called when the operation completes or returns an error.

To be documented.