Razbor-poletov.com setup

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Build And Deploy razbor-poletov.com

Travis-CI status

Build Status

Setup Local Environment

  1. Clone sources from GH

    1. git clone git@github.com:razbor-poletov/razbor-poletov.github.com.git

    2. git co source

  2. Setup Ruby

    1. gem install bundler

    2. bundle install

  3. Setup deploy folder

    1. rake setup_github_pages and enter git@github.com:razbor-poletov/razbor-poletov.github.com.git

    2. cd _deploy

    3. git pull origin master

Add New Post

rake new_post\[episode-100\]

Preview Website

rake clean preview

Generate and Deploy

rake clean gen_deploy