Before start, MotionBook source is complicated and little bit messy. Please help us to develop this source much better than before! MotionBook is open source based project. Because of that, I decided to open MotionBook source.
Hopes this repo help someone :)
Contributions to MotionBook are welcomed and encouraged! Please see the Contribution Guide
We welcome code refactor or any other changes. Please do not hesitate.
Installation is needed befor you start. please see the Installation Guide
1. Submodule
git submodule add git/
Github Personal settings -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token -> Edit user
and token
in NetworkManager.swift
class NetworkManager: NSObject {
let user = "younatics"
let token = "b908fde1073fb488eeee32b9213c0542b410876a"
pod install
Get basic data and store in RealmSwift
Once a week, MotionBook will check date and update Github data(Stars, Issues, Forks) using GitHub Api.
Submodule this repository and get gif data
On-Demand Resources make faster download speed.
Update Gif data to Realm
and store.
MotionBook-Source is available under the GNU General Public License v3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.