
Get text alerts for shows using Songkick API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PulseGig is a web app to get text alerts for shows.

APIs used

  • Songkick for concert database
  • Twilio for texts
  • Google for URL shortening in texts


  • Python 2.6.6+ is required.

  • Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/amagnus/pulsegig.git
  • Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Get API keys for Songkick, Twilio and Google.

  • Enter proper settings in /pulsegig/settings. Environment variables are being used. Feel free to use regular settings or whatever you feel comfortable with.

  • Synchronize the database state with current models

./manage.py migrate app
  • Start development server
./manage.py runserver --settings=pulsegig.settings.local

Scheduled tasks

A few management commands are running as cron jobs to pull data off Songkick and send texts accordingly.

  • Pull Songkick for new shows and add alerts to queue:
0 */3 * * *  /var/www/pulsegig.com/manage.py cron --settings=blogsc.settings.production >> /var/log/pullshows.log
  • Process texts queue:
*/20 * * * *  /var/www/pulsegig.com/manage.py cron_autosender --settings=blogsc.settings.production >> /var/log/pullshows.log
  • Update bands similarity bindings in database:
0 2 * * *  /var/www/pulsegig.com/manage.py cron_similar --settings=blogsc.settings.production >> /var/log/pullshows.log
  • Pull Songkick for any new show for bands similar to subscribed bands, and add alerts to queue:
0 7 * * *  /var/www/pulsegig.com/manage.py cron_sim_check --settings=blogsc.settings.production >> /var/log/pullshows.log