
Keycloak OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect Techlab

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Puzzle ITC - Keycloak Techlab Documentation

This Techlab is based on Keycloak version 8.


This Techlab contains exercises and solutions. The solutions are partially integrated as asciidoc comments. Use a asciidoc visualizer to play the Techlab without solutions.

Agenda & slides


  1. Introduction

    Introduction to the topic IAM - Identity and Access Management and related terminology.
  2. Keycloak

    Short intro to Keycloak.
  3. Lab Setup

    Setup of the local environment the techlab is based on.
  4. OAuth 2.0

    OAuth 2.0 incl. hands-on exercises.
  5. OpenID connect

    OpenIdConnect incl. hands-on exercises.
  6. Tokens

    Bearer-, JSON, by-reference etc. incl. hands-on exercises.
  7. Secure Applications

    Some basic examples using Spring Boot, JEE, JavaScript and Gatekeeper to secure applications incl. hands-on exercises.
  8. Additional Labs

    More labs you can choose from.
  9. Glossary

  10. FAQ

  11. Help us to improve, give feedback!

Resources used in this Techlab

Additional information