
The course project for Research in Computer Science.

Primary LanguageTeX



Course Project

The following gives and overview of a report structure. You can adjust to fit your needs.

  • Abstract (0.5 page)
  • Introduction (1 page)
  • The Problem (1 page )
  • Related work (2 pages)
  • Your Idea or solution (1 page)
  • The Details ( 5 to 8 pages)
  • Conclusion and further work (1 page)

Grading Rubric

(1) Poor not relevant to the topic
(2) Marginal not insightful
(3) Acceptable general with details
(4) Good summary with some details
(5) Honors Summary presented as an abstract with details such as concepts, relevance, applications, etc.


Poor Marginal Acceptable Good Honors
Originality of the work
Scholarly relevance
Professional/industrial relevance
Completeness of the work
Acknowledgment of the work of others by references
Organization of the manuscript
Clarity in writing, tables, graphs and illustrations


1 2 3 4 5
To what extent does the student’s presentation communicate both the merits of the research project and the research process that the student went through to complete the project?
To what extent can the student communicate effectively about the project? Can the student provide cogent responses to questions? Can the student defend the research proposal suggestions made?
To what extent the student has displayed an extensive literature review when conducting the project?

Total: ??/15