
A playground for TDD learning.

TDD Playground

This is a place to set up examples for playing with the ideas of Test Driven Development (TDD).


Click on Clone or Download to download the files of this repository to your machine.

Once downloaded, navigate inside of the repository in your terminal:

# Example
$ cd tdd-playground

Be sure to have Node.js and npm installed.

Then use npm to install the packages necessary to run the tests.

npm install

Running the Tests

Run Tests Once

npm test

Run Tests with Watch

This keeps the tests running. When a local file is saved, the tests will re-run, pertaining to the updated file.

npm run test:watch

Test with Nyan Cat

This is less informative since it doesn't show you which tests are passing or failing. But it's much more entertaining.

npm run test:cat

Nyan Cat

Adding More Tests

The npm scripts set up for testing are looking for any files in the repository that end with specs.js in the filename.

You can add more tests to the existing files, or create new files following that naming structure.