DjangoConf Africa 2023 CFPs

This is a Django application based on Wafer. We are using a very small piece of the functionality wafer provides.

Please refer to this repo to see how to use Wafer to full effect:

To run this

  1. Get the development database up:
cd database/localhost
docker-compose up
  1. Run the main application

There is some trickiness around collectstatic. You may need to fiddle with to make it work.

Run pip install -r requirements.txt.
Run npm install.
Run ./ collectstatic.
Run ./ migrate.
Run ./ createcachetable wafer_cache_table.
Run ./ runserver.
  1. Create an index page

When you run the app for the first time and go to you'll see a message that says "Index page missing". To fix this:

  • Create a superuser and login
  • create a "page" named index with some content