SwitchEmuModDownloader - A Cross-Platform One-Click Games Mod Downloader for Switch emulators. Formerly YuzuModDownloader.
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Is the backend service down?
#54 opened by marcusziade - 0
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- 30
- 7
Mod Downloader cant find any games
#43 opened by tppsch - 11
Windows security flagged Trojan:Win32/Casdet!rfn
#42 opened by Zuluuk - 2
Add more modders repositories
#47 opened by StevensND - 3
Features to add a log text or maybe a prompt to see what kind of or which mods or patches to install
#44 opened by ben401rs - 2
Mods are not shown in Ryujinx portable
#45 opened by petran79 - 4
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Mod Downloader wont register in Yuzu
#38 opened by Ahamil41 - 7
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YuzuModDownloader not downloading from theboy181 and crashing when unpacking from HolographicWings
#25 opened by PhynixAbyss - 2
- 2
.dll file missing in download ?
#27 opened by xLuxSoldi3Rx - 2
Mods not downloading
#28 opened by BeardedJellyfish - 2
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Show game titles in confirmation dialog
#36 opened by kathyrollo - 20
Always downloading 0 items
#33 opened by SebinaLukawa97 - 5
- 0
Library not detected
#32 opened by HalffBakedBread - 1
Games not detected on Linux
#30 opened by CozMedic - 2
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Linux/SteamOS support
#19 opened by ssorgatem - 8
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"Unhandled exception has occurred"
#22 opened by saoghalqc - 3
Unmanaged exception: if program is in C:/Program Files (x86)/ and you run it for the first time, you will face "Access Denied" error
#11 opened by dag7dev - 5
File Downloading Features
#8 opened by thethiny - 10
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Yuzu crashes everytime
#20 opened by Marionut84 - 2
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Question, when I extract the zip and look in the folder, I can't find the exe file, where is it?
#3 opened by amakvana - 13
.NET Unhandled Exception Error
#17 opened by rods012 - 26
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Always downloading 0 items
#7 opened by thethiny - 2
Contains a Virus maybe ?
#1 opened by chedidkamal - 0
Unhandled Exception
#15 opened by Bonk-Choy - 3
No mods downloaded to destination folder
#14 opened by goedzo - 9
New Version: IO Exception -> dumps
#13 opened by frank196612 - 8
Mods won't extract??
#12 opened by Woozellin - 3
Crash when clicking download game mods: System.Xml.XPath.XPathException: '//h3[contains(., "Pure / Electric Love "Everyone else!" - Ema Sakura -")]/following::table[1]//td//a' has an invalid token.
#10 opened by goedzo - 4
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This installs mods to the default location instead of the location specified in the yuzu settings
#5 opened by ultra-taco