
A docker instance to test mod_mellon with a proxy

Dockerfile for Mellon authentication with proxy passthrough

This dockerfile will allow you to run a docker instance running mod_mellon acting as a SAML Service Provider which proxies to an application on your host machine. I have a simple example using OneLogin's free SAML Identity provider testing service.

To get this working on a Mac you have to make a separate arrangement for networking.

Docker on Mac OSX does not have a bridge network, we will create a separate IP and your proxied application must be listening on, not just localhost.


So create an IP alias as they suggest or just ensure you have an address that is reachable from a docker container (such as a service running on another docker container)

sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

We will use this IP when starting the docker container so it knows where to proxy requests to. Needs a trailing slash.

IDP which you can configure with a new connector

Onelogin offers free test apps which work as an IDP. Need to follow these instructions:

We will use the first basic SAML Test Connector.


  • Audience
  • Recipient
  • ACS URL Validator
  • ACS (Consumer) URL

According to the included screenshot

Download the metadata file from OneLogin (under More Actions), it will be used when starting the docker container

Private Key for the Mellon SP

Create a throwaway private key as follows into the file private.key

openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.key -subj "/C=US/ST=Somewhere/L=Somewhere/O=Organization/OU=IT Department/CN=localhost"

We will ignore the CSR as Docs say it is optional

Finally plug it all in:

docker run --rm -p 80:80 --name mellon -v /path/to/private.key:/etc/apache2/mellon/sp_private.key -v /path/to/idp_metadata.xml:/etc/apache2/mellon/idp_metadata.xml -e PROXY_URL= mellon