
:tractor: Utility to bundle JavaScript libraries with Rollup

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Utility to bundle JavaScript libraries with Rollup

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As a library author, I always wanted to have a utility where I put in a file and I get a library for all the formats I want to distribute. (Ideally, it should pick up my Babel config and the library name from the package.json.)

Originally, this started as a build script in one of open source projects, but then I needed it in other projects as well. That's when it became a NPM module.

I really like Rollup's idea of not scoping each module individually which is closer to my perception of what the library what would look like if I were to write the library by hand without modules.


$ npm install rollup-babel-lib-bundler


Rollup requires a rollup-compatible Babel config. Simply change the es2015 preset to es2015-rollup or es2015-loose to es2015-loose-rollup.



rollup-babel-lib-bundler ./myFancyLibrary.js

Call rollup-babel-lib-bundler without any arguments to see all options.

The command-line app also supports passing in options through the package.json. Simply create a property called rollupBabelLibBundler. An example configuration would look like this:

"rollupBabelLibBundler": {
  "moduleName": "myFancyLibrary",
  "dest": "dist",
  "babel": {
    "presets": ["es2015-rollup", "stage-1"]

It also allows passing in Babel options passed in here. This will take precedence over the .babelrc file. The options are passed into the rollup-babel-plugin where the options are slightly different from the official Babel configuration. See https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-babel#configuring-babel for more details.

Command-line options > Package configuration options
Package babel configuration > .babelrc

JavaScript API

The API is very similar to a Rollup config file. In fact, additional options will be passed into Rollup or plugins rollup-babel-lib-bundler uses.

var rollupBabelLibBundler = require('rollup-babel-lib-bundler');

  name: 'myfancylibrary',
  moduleName: 'myFancyLibrary',
  dest: 'dist',
  entry: './myFancyLibrary.js',
  format: ['cjs', 'umd', 'es6'],
  postfix: { cjs: '.common' },


Type: String
Default: mylibrary

The name of the library. Will be used for the generated filenames.


Type: String
Default myLibrary

This is needed for the UMD build. This is the property the library will bind itself to the global object. If omitted, it will automatically use options.name as camel case.


Type: String
Default dist

The directory where the files will be generated to.


Type: String
Default index.js

The path to the library itself.


Type: Array
Default ['umd', 'es6', 'cjs']

Can be umd, es6, cjs, iife or a combination of these.

Type: Object
Default { cjs: '', es6: '.es2015', umd: '.umd', iife: '.iife' }

Allows to define custom postfixes for each module type. .js will automatically be prepended.


Type: String or Object

Allow to overwrite the babel configuration. By default its value is inherit and it will take the closest .babelrc file.

Return value

Type: Promise

This returns a promise with an array of objects which have the following format:

  name: String, // The module name
  format: String, // The module format (es6, umd, cjs)
  endTime: Number, // The time where this module finished generating
  startTime: Number, // The time before the generating process started
