
Implementation of our Delaunay based rough/multi-stroke sketches simplification work

Primary LanguageC++


Alt text

################## Implementation of: ##################

Paper Title:- A Delaunay triangulation based approach for cleaning rough sketches

Authors:- Amal Dev Parakkat, Uday Bondi Pundarikaksha, Ramanathan Muthuganapathy

Published in:- Computers & Graphics, Special issue of Shape Modeling International (SMI) 2018

Operating system recommended:- Ubuntu 14.04 or newer/ macOS Sierra or higher

Input:- A binary rough sketch/ multi-stroke sketch, Output:- An SVG file representing the cleaned sketch (as shown in the image).

This program is a research prototype, and may contain bugs and flaws.

######### Contains: #########

Check the demo at https://youtu.be/kGekj-JXzqk

Please follow the instructions given in corresponding "Information.txt" for executing the program.

Please go through "Assumptions.txt" before using the program, to avoid unnecessary errors.

The program requires CGAL (tested with 4.7) and OpenCV.

##################### Permission for usage: #####################

The code is purely for academic and non-commercial usage. Please make sure you cite our work, if the code is used.

This program is a research prototype and may contain bugs and flaws. Also, please note that it can be written in more optimized way.

Special thanks to Enrique Rosales (copyrighted) for providing the sketches.

##################### For further enquires: #####################

Contact: Amal Dev Parakkat (amaldevparakkat.weebly.com)

 E-mail: adp(dot)upasana(at)gmail.com