Linting with eslint!

Having clean, well formatted, and consistent code is important. A linter is a tool that helps up stay consistent!

The most popular linting tool for javascript is eslint. It is highly configurable and easy to use. There are also many style guides that companies and people make available that are extremely thorough.

Here is a list of some of the more popular style guides

You can also define your own rules and create your own style guide!


There are a few steps we need to do to get our linter up and running.

  • Find a style guide that you want to use!
  • Install eslint in your project directory
  • Install the eslint-config and its dependencies for the style guide you want to use
  • Create a .eslintrc.json file for our eslint configuration
  • Create a .eslintignore file so we can ignroe files that we want to (works just like .gitignore)
  • In .eslintrc extend eslint to use the config we installed
  • Add a lint script to package.json "lint": "./node_modules/.bin/eslint ./" Note: we are targeting the current directory
  • Run the script with a -s flag so that npm will not throw errors
  • npm run lint -s