
Pokemon Web to show list of Pokemons and also the details

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pokedex site

This web app build based on React.js that has 3 pages, Pokemon List, Pokemon Detail, and My Pokemon List.

Pokemon List Page

Show a list of Pokemons’ names and the owned total. When a Pokemon Card is clicked, it go to Pokemon Detail page.

Pokemon Detail Page

Show a picture of the Pokemon with its basic info, moves and base states. At the header there has a button to catch the Pokemon, (success probability is 50%), if success then the user can give the Pokemon a nickname and add that Pokemon to My Pokemon List page.

My Pokemon List Page

Show a list (like Pokemon List page, but with each of their nicknames as well). It also be possible to remove/release a Pokemon from the list on this page.

Data Source

This project using GraphQL (graphql-pokeapi) as a list pokemon that shown at Pokemon List Page, and for My Pokemon List, I created an API using NodeJs, Express and MongoDB. I also deployed it using HerokuApp, for resource you can visit my Github for My Pokemon API

You can visit Pokedex site at Pokedex