
repo for the redesign of the LinkedIn webapp

Primary LanguageCSS

LinkedIn Redesign Research

##Site Map

  • Home
  • Profile
    • Edit Profile
    • Who's Viewed Your Profile
    • Updates
  • My Network
    • Connections
    • Contacts
    • People you may know
    • Alumni
  • Jobs
  • Interests
    • Companies
    • Groups
    • Education
    • Pulse
    • Slideshare
    • Online Learning


  • Business Services
  • Try Premium

##SWOT ####Strengths:

  • Professional platform
  • Strong branding
  • Effective profile structure
  • Useful for b2b marketing
  • Multifaceted revenur model


  • It's hard to communicate directly
  • Spam
  • Low social engagement


  • Microtransactions for direct communications
  • Expand globally
  • Target niches
  • Expand search features
  • Include more specific geographic parameters

####Threats / Competetive Analysis: Smaller, more niche apps, AKA “death by 1,000 pin pricks.”

  • Glassdoor
    • Lets you search specifically by salary
  • Craigslist
    • Has map search feature
  • Facebook Groups
    • Austin Digital Jobs & The like can be an awesome community and forum to get advice on the local job market, not just generic job seeking advice
  • Doximity
    • “In medicine, you want to get referrals. You want to be the guy in town who does the best ankle replacement surgery, but at the same time to market yourself is a little gauche,” says Tangney. “We make it easy for them to have a robust CV without having to type it all in.”
  • Spiceworks
    • Spiceworks also offers users an audio-visual resume option to help them better explain their work experience to people without IT expertise. That’s something they can’t get on LinkedIn.
  • Viadeo
    • A competor to linkedin outside of the US

##User Testing

1 -

####Hypothesis - The profiles take way too long to complete

####Test - Make a profile

  • User felt offended at the tagline "be great at what you do," felt like she is already great at nurse anesthaesia and didn't feel like she needed a profile to tell her that
  • Felt impatient & did not care read all the options when prompted with "what are you interested in?"
  • Violated by linkedin asking for access to yahoo contacts right away
  • Annoyed when they immediately asked her to invite people in, felt like it was misleading
  • Annoyed by second prompt of "what are you interested in?", Expected to receive spam emails
  • Wouldn't have downloaded the app, didn't want an extra thing on her phone

2 -

####Hypothesis - Users are afraid to freely browse LinkedIn because it tells the person you were looking at their profile

####Test - Make your profile not show up under "who viewed you?"

  • Felt violated that LinkedIN notified me when she viewed my profile. "What? That's kind of creepy"
  • Impatient with how many buttons she had to scroll over to find account settings.
  • Confused as to where the setting was within account settings, when she finally founded felt the wording was not right.
  • Unsure when she changed it, she did not see the update notification, so she didn't felt secure that she completed her task.

3 -

####Hypothesis - The search filters are too subtle

####Test - Search for a job at a small company in the medical field

  • Felt lost when she accidentally went to "post job" on linkedin, saw the fields prompting her to desctibe job
  • "I feel like an idiot" :(
  • Unsure whether to find the company size filter, ended up scanning through the light grey text on the posting (hard to see)
  • Found the location filter difficult to use, but did find it. And then found company size when she looked closer (location was expanded out)
  • Felt overwhelmed by the number of options.

Core Purpose

###What is the core purpose of linkedin?

To tell your professional story

####Other purposes:

  • To connect people in a way that is less personal
  • To help people find jobs
  • To facilitate recommendations
  • To provide users with data about their desirability

##Redesign Goals

###Eliminate these feelings

  • Offended
  • Impatient
  • Guarded
  • Tricked
  • Misunderstood
  • Lost/Confused
  • Uncertain
  • Pressured

###Create these instead

  • Valuable
  • Patient
  • Trusting
  • Understood
  • Satisfied
  • Confident
  • Competent


###Design with the imposter in mind!

  • Reduce professional indicators
  • Avoid preying on fear and insecurity

###Engage users in a more conversational and helpful way

  • Encourage questions
  • Ask questions to users
  • Improve UX feedback - signpost & alerting
  • Focus on value-add of features
  • More tooltops