#Red Arena
Read more about my design challenges here
Create, edit, and manage the schedule & profile of all staff, riders, and horses. Technical Requirements here
##Competetive Analysis
- Other centers like them:
- The ROCK North Austin
- Focuses on kids
- Promotes independence & life skills
- Service, education and research
- In houston
- Focuses on special needs
- Most common is autism, followed by cerebral palsy
- Path (certification)
- promotes safety and optimal outcomes
- strong core values
- access and inclusion
- coop & collaboration
- education, innovation
- etc.
- The ROCK North Austin
- Differentiating factors:
- Individual lessons instead of group lessons
- Program set up to where horses have days off
- horses are healthy & last 6 years
- Job training, mental health counseling
- Broad range of offerings
Create session
Edit Session
View session
Notify all participants in session
Check availability
Birthdays / Anniversaries
Upcoming schedile items
Updated profile notifications
Current to-do's
Job training notes
Assign time / person
Mark Complete
- Create profile
- Edit profile
- View profile
##Client Meeting
What is your current process for these tasks (in more detail)?
- Schedule - see below
- Profile -
- Riders
- name,
- address,
- DOB,
- phone number,
- email,
- startdate,
- saddle y/n
- Staff
- Phone
- start date
- typical availability
- roles
- Horse profile
- name
- horse tack
- pad,
- saddle,
- reins,
- stirrups
- Riders
Describe a typical user for this app? (Organizers, employees, volunteers?)
- Volunteers (100+) -
- high school student volunteer hours
- retired men / women
- people that love horses
- Staff (10-15 part time, 2 admin) -
- medical background
- RN, retired
- professional riding instructors
- Riders (100+) -
- Kids under 18
- Adults with brain injury
- Volunteers (100+) -
What adjectives do you want the user to describe the app with?
- Empathy, fun, healing
How is your center different from other centers like yours?
- The ROCK North Austin, SIRE, Path (certification)
- Individual lessons instead of group lessons
- Program set up to where horses have days off
- last 6 years
- JOb training, mental health counseling
- broad not deep
Are there any assets that I am required to incorporate into the design?
- Green field
We came up with a few different concepts for styling, playing around with child-like, feminine, and friendship. We ended up going with a barn-like color scheme and sans-serif spacious type, since we knew our screens would be busy.
During the sketch phase, we chose a tile-like directory and a calendar layout for the "upcoming" page.
Jenna's amazing sketches below:
I used Sketch to do these wireframes
The biggest challenge with mobile was definitely the week view on the calendar. Not much more than a dot can fit, but we managed to fit something big enough for the thumb to tap, and then display more info.
We focused a lot on tablet because it seems like a great solution for the user inside the barn. Walking around with a laptop would be bulky, but a tablet would strike the balance between lightweight & usable.
You can clone this repo & serve it on Jekyll, or find it here very soon.