
Homework Assignment

Select Restaurant

Dominican Joe Coffee

SWOT Analysis


  • there's almost always seating
  • loft layout is nice
  • internet doesn't suck
  • lots of outlets
  • fair trade coffee is ethical
  • employees are nice to look at
  • patio is cozy
  • location is central but tucked away


  • the parking lot is super confusing
  • the snack options are all packaged, not fresh


  • experiment with drinks of the month
  • incentivize cyclists & pedestrians
  • consider soup & sandwich menu
  • consider adding bottled beer


  • taco joint going up across the street
  • jo's coffee is also on congress & has similar name

Word List

![Dojo Wordlist] (https://github.com/amaliebarras/restaurant-redesign/blob/master/design_files/dojowordlist.png)

##Style Tiles here

##Typography here

##Sketches here

##Mockups here