
demo page assignment for Social Soutions

Primary LanguageCSS

Social Solutions Homepage Redesign



Deliver research, redesign documents, and a coded PDF of Social Solutions' homepage, desktop size only

General Information

Name of your company and your current or intended URL?

Social Solutions

What is your intended launch date for the new site?

Check in Friday 11/10
Due 11/14

Do you have a specific budget range in mind for this project?


Reasons for your site design or re-design?

Needs a stronger CTA, had too many fields, not clear what someone would get when completing the form

Audience/Desired Action

Describe a typical user coming to your site. (include demographics, age, occupation, sex, and other relevant factors)

Likely case workers, women, 35 - 50 years old. Suspicious of entering information in a site.

What is the primary “action” the user should take when coming to your site? (purchase, become a member, search for information, contact you, etc.)

Request a demo

What are three objectives of this site? (Most important first)

Tell the user what we do
Provide form for demo
Provide flows to information


Use a few adjectives to describe how the user should perceive the new site. (Ex: prestigious, friendly, corporate, fun, forward-thinking, innovative, cutting edge, etc.)

Friendly, understandable, appealing

How does your company differentiate itself from competitors? Do you think your current audience differentiates you from your competition? Please list competitor URLs.

Our solutions are designed for those working in human services, easier to work with, can be preconfigured

List any URLs of sites you find compelling. What specifically do you like about these sites?

http://on.carecloud.com/complete-video.html?lead_source=web&lead_source_detail=carecloud.com&ls_description=complete-video – love the directional cues (both the arrow and the background, clear what you’re going to get, makes you want to scroll  

http://www.abila.com/lp/elearning-guide/ like the look and feel, nice use of a popout window for once, consistent branding


Describe visual elements or content which should be utilized from your current site or marketing materials (logo, color scheme, navigation, naming conventions, etc.).

Here is a link to a new brand guide that we will be moving toward in the coming months. I don’t have all of the fonts in an accessible place, and we likely won’t use the slab serif on anything on the web. Please feel free to use something comparable that shows how you would translate our brand or incorporate elements. This is about the process and not creating something usable as it would never be repurposed as such! https://www.dropbox.com/s/bjogxv1qb3w37re/SocialSolutionsBrandBook_101316.pdf?dl=0  


Talked through this in person


Use hierarchy and UI elements to improve user experience

  • Redesign tabs for clearer experience
  • Consolidate information about the different solutions
  • Create option for learning and option for demo, reducing steps to conversion
  • Provide option for those unsure of budget or requirements



Style Tile


Final Mockup


