TicketIQ Homepage Redesign



Deliver a PDF of a redesign of TicketIQ's homepage, desktop size only

General Information

Name of your company and your current or intended URL?

TicketIQ - ticketiq.com

What is your intended launch date for the new site?

Check in Friday 10/28
Discuss final due date?

Do you have a specific budget range in mind for this project?


Reasons for your site design or re-design?

Get on par with competitors

By highlighting what we do
Improving credibility
And making things easier to find

Audience/Desired Action

Describe a typical user coming to your site. (include demographics, age, occupation, sex, and other relevant factors)

60% search engines (90% of these new users)
10% direct traffic
30% referrals (many social)

What is the primary “action” the user should take when coming to your site? (purchase, become a member, search for information, contact you, etc.)

find a ticket to purchase

What are three objectives of this site? (Most important first)

Welcome customer.
Build trust. 
Highlight what we do (Ticket Search)


Use a few adjectives to describe how the user should perceive the new site. (Ex: prestigious, friendly, corporate, fun, forward-thinking, innovative, cutting edge, etc.)

safe, trustworthy

How does your company differentiate itself from competitors? Do you think your current audience differentiates you from your competition? Please list competitor URLs.

ticket aggregator (a la kayak)


List any URLs of sites you find compelling. What specifically do you like about these sites?


search is very prominent


Describe visual elements or content which should be utilized from your current site or marketing materials (logo, color scheme, navigation, naming conventions, etc.).

Typography (perhaps)
Hex Codes


SWOT of Existing Design


  • Call to action buttons are contrasting and obvious
  • Colors do feel sporty
  • Typography is good


  • Welcome copy is a little confusing / hard-selly
  • Not sure how I should browse
  • Don't find out why I should get the app until after the scroll
  • Search is boxed off, not prominent
  • Hard to tell what type of event at first glance
  • Not sure what to expect under "other" (tennis is a sport)
    • Hierarchy issue - may be out of scope


  • Search should be in mid-center above the fold
  • Soften explanation to sound more like service
  • Show all search options (calendar, city)
  • Clarify ideal experience (is it the app?)
  • Illustrate / color code event types?
  • Leverage colors and type in the redesign


  • Niche event ticket sites (music events only, sports only)
  • Competitors with more modern UI
  • Stronger brands (stubhub, etc)


Test 1:

Hypothesis -

Users are not sure what differentiates ticketIQ from competitors.

Test -

Go to www.ticketiq.com, stay on this page for 10 seconds. Now, tell me what this site does.

  • User felt overwhelmed by the use of color
  • User guessed ticketIQ was a place to connect you with places to buy tickets, because of the tagline "the smartest ticket search", but felt unsure, it could be explained better
  • User felt confused about the app "nobody should need an app to do this

Test 2:

Hypothesis -

Search isn't the first thing that the user feels like they're supposed to do.

Test -

Your friend is coming to visit you in Dallas and loves hockey. Find tickets to a hockey Game that you could go to.

  • User did use search right away, but it didn't load
  • Would have used middle browse but it was covered up by search autocomplete
  • Went to global nav

Test 3:

Hypothesis -

Event type hierarchy is a little bit confusing.

Test -

Close the window. Can I find tickets to:

  • Hamilton?
    • User guessed yes
  • An f1 race?
    • "I don't think so"
  • A tennis match?
    • "Yes"
    • Expected it to be under sports, not "other"

Core Purpose of Page

Communicate to customers what they can do on this site, which is search multiple databases for tickets to many types of events.

Other Purposes

  • Welcome customers.
  • Build trust.
  • Highlight what we do (Ticket Search)

Redesign Goals

Eliminate these Feelings

Overwhelmed Uncertain Confused Impatient Misguided Uneasy

Create these Instead

Calmed Trusting Certain Patient Directed At ease


TicketIQ is the smartest search, so make the user feel smart about using it

  • Arm the user with knowledge about what the site is
  • Make calls to action super obvious
  • Explain value of microconversions
    • Register
    • Signin
    • Download app



Style Tiles

Final Mockup