
Repository for CSC 630 - Independent Study at NC State

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Brain MRI Image Classification

T1 T2 Flair
T1 T2 Flair


Folder Structure

  • Example_Images - Example images to show how MRI scans look like
  • Presentation - Material associated with final Presentation
  • Public_Networks - The public ImageNet based Image Classification models tested, and sample images that showcase which kind of features the network is learning.
    • inception_features - features which Inception V3 learns
    • inception_resnet_features - features which InceptionResNet V2 learns
    • resnet_features - features which ResNet50 learns


  • BRAIN_TUMOR - Folder to store the images from Grand Challenge Dataset (download and extract from Grand-Challenge)
    • imagesTr - Training images in nii.gz format
    • imagesTs - Testing images in nii.gz format
    • labelsTr - Training labels in nii.gz format (for segmentation only)
    • dataset.json - File descriptors
  • Stanford - Folder to store Stanford images
    • DIPG - Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma images like DIPG-patient_*.dcm
    • EP - Etoposide and Cisplastin images like EP-StanEP*.dcm
    • MB - Medulloblastoma images like MB-StanMB*.dcm


Folder to store iPython notebooks

Generated Folders

Generated by resnet_50.py, train_resnet_50.py and train_classifier.py. Contains the HDF5 files of AutoEncoder and Classification models.


Generated by resnet_50.py, train_resnet_50.py and train_classifier.py. Contains the Tensorboard logs of AutoEncoder and Classification models.


Generated by AutoEncoder-Normalized-Preprocessing.py. Contains the normalized Grand Challenge images.

  • T2W - T2 modality images


Generated by AutoEncoder-PerPlane-Preprocessing.py. Contains the per-plane normalized Grand Challenge images.

  • T2W - T2 modality images


Generated by Classification-Preprocessing.py. Contains the normalized Stanford Images.

  • train - Training images
  • test - Testing images