
Primary LanguageJavaScript

React JS Developer - Fresher

Welcome to the React JS Developer Fresher project! This repository contains a collection of React exercises and projects to help you learn and practice your React skills. Each task is designed to progressively increase in complexity and cover various aspects of React development.

Projects and Exercises

1. Simple Counter

  • Create a React component that displays a counter with two buttons - one to increment and the other to decrement the counter value.

2. Todo App with State

  • Build a To-Do list application with React. The app should allow users to add new tasks, mark tasks as completed, and delete individual tasks.

3. Toggle Content

  • Create a component that shows/hides content when a button is clicked. The button should toggle the visibility of the content.

4. Timer App

  • Build a Timer app using React. The user should be able to set the timer duration and start/stop/reset the timer.

5. Conditional Rendering

  • Create a component that displays different content based on a condition. For example, if a variable isLoggedIn is true, show a "Welcome" message; otherwise, show a "Login" button.

6. Fetching Data from API

  • Create a React component that fetches data from a public API (e.g., JSONPlaceholder) and displays the results.

7. Search Filter

  • Build a component that allows users to search/filter a list of items based on their input.

8. Image Gallery

  • Create an image gallery component that displays a list of images and allows users to view a larger version of the image when clicked.

9. Form Handling

  • Build a form component that captures user input and displays a message based on the submitted form data.

10. Accordion Component

  • Create an accordion component that displays a list of sections. Clicking on a section should expand it and collapse others.

11. Dynamic Routing

  • Build a multi-page React app with different routes using React Router. Each route should display different content.

12. User Authentication

  • Create a login and registration form using React. Implement a simple authentication flow and manage user login/logout states.

13. Drag and Drop

  • Build a component that allows users to drag and drop items within a list to reorder them.

14. Color Picker

  • Create a color picker component that lets users select a color and see the selected color displayed.

15. Carousel Slider

  • Build a carousel slider component that automatically scrolls through a list of items.